Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Elder Winters - May 21st and May 28th 我超喜歡宣講這個福音!

Hello all, and happy late Memorial Day.  It's wonderful to live in a country that enjoys all the freedoms that we do.  It's been a great week, including a zone conference.  I'd have to say that the highlight of that was either our mission president's talk or the mission president's wife teaching us all how to sing Peter Pan's "Never Smile At a Crocodile" as a reminder to get away from temptation.  

So, we went on an exchange with an assistant to the president this week, and that was super cool.  We knocked on one door and this family of four opened and received our message (the mom said the First Vision was "awesome") as well as dates to be baptized on the 23rd of June.  Naturally, we were super pumped to drop by their house at 10:30 AM to remind them about church, except we found a note that said "Not interested. We like our Lutheran religion.  Take back your books please.  Enjoy today."  I'm not sure how we were supposed to enjoy Sunday after receiving that note, but it's all good.  Things like that happen, but all we can do is press on with faith.  

As for a success story this week, if you remember that Chinese guy that we invited to church, it turns out he's getting baptized this Saturday. Man!  That made us incredibly excited.  I guess despite how hard I work in the English program, I'll always be drawn back to the Chinese program.   

Simply put, I know this work is directed by God.  The Holy Ghost will continue to bear witness of the divinity of our message as long as we strive our best to live according to it.

Have an awesome week.

- Elder Daniel B. Winters

From last week:

Hey everyone, how's it going?  Welcome to another week in the life of an English missionary.  The work has been going really well over here, everything is rolling along and picking up speed.  It's still something of an adjustment contacting English-speaking people, but thankfully my companion is patient with me, whether it be coping with my ineptitude or waiting for me while I go out of the way to contact a Chinese person instead.  I still got to see the Yale Branch when they got let out of their meetings on Sunday, and everyone appears to be doing really well.  As an added bonus, there were a ton of nonmembers there as well - a lot has happened in the four short weeks that I've been gone.  

As far as spiritual things go, we had a zone conference this week in which our mission president talked about repentance.  I guess he was calling the entire mission to repentance, but when the principle is understood correctly, that is a wonderful thing.  Repentance, at its core, is simply change.  A change from an action or belief or behavior of our own will to what God would have us do or think or believe.  And the more we make that change with the Savior's help, the happier we will be, because we will have greater access to the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the merciful forgiveness only He can extend.  So, I'd invite you all to think of something to repent of, and then do it.  I've been trying to do so with greater zeal since I heard that talk, and I have felt the results - they are real.

The work is true, have an awesome week.

- E. Winters

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